Why Ankle and Knee Braces are Evil

Okay, before I go any further let me first say that I really don’t think ankle and knee braces are evil. I actually think they are a valuable tool in helping get people back to doing what they love and keeping them healthy. But who is going to read a blog called ‘ankle and knee braces are good in some situations but not the best in other situations’? ☺

What has started me on this rant is seeing an athlete coming back from injury being sold a brace and given the impression that it is all they’ll ever need. Even more bothersome is when I see studies like the one in a recent issue of Foot & Ankle International, that indicate healthy female volleyball players should wear rigid or semi-rigid ankle braces in order to prevent ankle injuries.

To read Matt’s complete rant on this subject please click here: BraceBlog

2 Responses to “Why Ankle and Knee Braces are Evil”

  1. PT Girl says:

    I pray I never need either!

  2. Matt says:

    I hope so too PT Girl! Just make sure in your quest to conquer marathons you incorporate work that provides balanced strength to the muscles that support knees and ankles. But I especially hope you never suffer the an injury that would put your famed drinking wrist out of action…. why, you’d only be able to do shots! Oh wait, scratch that as a tragedy… 😉
    Seriously though, thanks for checking out the blog and continued success with your training!

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